Sectra and major private care provider Unilabs extend cooperation with a new radiology imaging contract in Portugal
“We are a distributed and growing healthcare provider with the quality of our clinical results as our foremost priority. Given the increasing demand in the healthcare system, we need to give our radiologists tools for efficient diagnosis and peer cooperation to maintain the quality of care. With the solution from Sectra, we will be able to provide excellent patient care regardless of where we meet the patient,” says Renato Correia, Technology and Innovation Executive Director at Unilabs Portugal.
The contract comprises the radiology module of Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution and was signed during the first quarter of Sectra’s 2021/2022 fiscal year. It will be integrated with Unilabs’ local radiology information system (RIS). In Portugal, Unilabs is a leading provider in healthcare diagnostics, with a strong focus on radiology. Unilabs is already a Sectra customer in the Nordic region.
“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to support Unilabs in Portugal in their quest to provide great patient care. The scalability of our solution aligns well with their needs, and it can easily be extended to include more care providers as they continue to grow, or potentially even other imaging needs outside radiology,” says Carlos Cardoso, Managing Director of Sectra in Iberia.
Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution provides a unified strategy for all imaging needs while lowering operational costs. The scalable and modular solution, with a VNA at its core, allows healthcare providers to grow from ology to ology and from enterprise to enterprise. Visit Sectra’s website to read more about Sectra and why it’s top-ranked in 'Best in KLAS'.
About Unilabs
Unilabs is one of Europe’s largest diagnostics companies, offering a complete range of laboratory, pathology, and imaging services to patients all around the world. A leading care provider, covering the full diagnostic spectrum, Unilabs’ 12,000 employees save lives every day.
About Sectra
Sectra assists hospitals throughout the world to enhance the efficiency of care, and authorities and defense forces in Europe to protect society’s most sensitive information. Thereby, Sectra contributes to a healthier and safer society. The company was founded in 1978, has its head office in Linköping, Sweden, with direct sales in 19 countries, and operates through partners worldwide. Sales in the 2020/2021 fiscal year totaled SEK 1,632 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For more information, visit Sectra’s website.