Picture from Sectra HQ in Linköping, Sweden

Contact Sectra Group

Sectra is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, and operates through its own offices and partners worldwide. For inquires regarding investor and press relations, the Sectra group’s consolidated accounting, career at Sectra, etc., please see below. For product related inquiries, please see contact details for medical IT solutions or cybersecurity solutions, respectively.

Sectra HQ

Sectra AB
Teknikringen 20
SE-583 30 Linköping

Phone: +46 13 23 52 00
Email: info@sectra.com
Visit: See Google Maps

If you decide to give us a call, our office hours at the Sectra Headquarters in Linköping are weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., UTC + 1.

Press contacts

Email: info.press@sectra.com

Emma Järnkrok
Press relations & Market communicator
Direct: +46 13 23 53 18
Mobile: +46 70 483 97 40

Helena Pettersson
Chief Investor & Press Relations Officer
Direct: +46 13 23 52 04
Mobile: +46 706 27 52 04

Investor contact

Web: Investor Relations at Sectra
Helena Pettersson
Chief Investor & Press Relations Officer
Email: info.investor@sectra.com
Direct: +46 13 23 52 04
Mobile: +46 706 27 52 04

Data protection officer

Email: dpo@sectra.com
Phone: +46 13 23 52 00

Job contacts

Web: Career at Sectra
Email: career@sectra.com
Phone: +46 13 23 52 00

Regulatory affairs (medical)

Email: Regulatoryaffairs@sectra.com
Phone: +46 13 23 52 00


For any website issues, please contact webmaster@sectra.com